Himiring-Do(Ring Guide)


Maximum scores for the first long courses in each world

Advanced Strategies

The first mission you play in each world has the longest course in that world, and strategy plays an important role. For players with enough skill, these are great opportunities to collect points.

Sand Oasis
“Find King Shahryar!”
Mission difficulty: Low
Score of 5000 with time around 4:30 (Silver Medal)
Dinosaur Jungle
“Follow the Pterosaur!”
Mission difficulty: Medium
Score of 4000 with time around 4:40 (Silver Medal)
Evil Foundry
“Head for the center!”
Mission difficulty: High
Score of 8000 with time around 5:00 (Silver Medal)
Levitated Ruin
“Find Sinbad!”
Mission difficulty: High
Score of 8500 with time around 6:00 (Silver Medal)
Pirate Storm
“Follow the pirates!”
Mission difficulty: High
Score of 9000 with time around 7:30 (Bronze Medal)
Skeleton Dome
“Find King Solomon!”
Mission difficulty: High
Score of 13000 with time around 7:30 (Bronze Medal)
Night Palace
“Sneak into the palace!”
Mission difficulty: High
Score of 12000 with time around 7:00 (Bronze Medal)

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